The Tender Team’s recruitment function isn’t the standard recruitment function you would expect. We’re different. That’s because we are all tender and bid writers and have all worked in-house in major organisations. We take the time to understand what you are looking for, and draw on our experience to help you identify the type of candidate you will require. That’s why we deliver a unique bid and tender writer recruitment service.
When we are searching for your candidate, we go beyond the standard use of LinkedIn and Seek. We contact our wider network, identify personnel we think may be suitable, and use our experience to clean through candidates to ensure we only deliver the best when it comes to bid and tender writer recruitment.
When you appoint The Tender Team to recruit a role for you, you will take comfort in knowing that we will put candidates through a thorough assessment process, give them scenario based questions related to tenders, and make sure they are a good cultural fit. All of this, before we present that candidate to you.
That means you will receive:
- Higher quality candidates
- Fewer candidates – saving you time
- A no-fuss, straight down the line approach
We don’t specialize in recruiting – we specialize in tenders. We use our tendering knowledge to translate into the recruitment space, and therefore, are in the best position to find you the right candidate for your bids, tenders and writing needs.
Call 0410 448 770 to find out how we can assist.